Sunday, 1 December 2019

Movember: the Ride and the Movement

Group photo at the Hobart waterfront

First of all big kudos to Dan and Emma - two superstars of the local cycling community - and all the others who put together such a great event for the Moustache Riders to support men's health. A 205 kilometre mass ride from the northern end of the Central Highlands to Hobart involves a lot of logistics and they all did a great job in bringing it to fruition. (This was the 8th ride put together by the Moustache Riders  - a very impressive record.) Marshalls riding shotgun and vehicle drivers were also integral to ensuring that the was a great success. Volunteers at our two rest stops with snacks at the ready were a big moral boost, and thanks to Pigeon Whole Bakers for the jam donuts: man they were good!! And did we ever appreciate the the burgers and beer provided upon arrival by Frank Restaurant at the end. Oh Yeah!

I have to admit to being a bit nervous setting off on a ride like this. I wasn't sure what the pace would be like and I didn't want to feel like I was holding anyone back, but was also determined to avoid having to be swept up by the sag wagon. As it turned out I needn't have worried: the lead riders kept the bunch together very well and the level of intensity was well within my capabilities. Here's an image of me riding into the finish feeling surprisingly frisky ...

Cruising into the finish

The route was brilliant: 1200 metres of overall descent in the 205 kilometres from the high point on the Lakes Highway to Hobart's waterfront. After elevation correction, Strava tells me there was actually about 1800 metres of ascent, so it wasn't all downhill by any means ~ but a really, really nice roller coaster ride to the sea from the mountains! We were very lucky on the day with the weather, which turned out much better than it looked like being only a few days beforehand.

2019 Moustache Riders Movember Ride route
Everyone must by now know about Movember, the charity that works to support men's health by reducing fatalities due to prostate and testicular cancer, as well as improving mental health outcomes and suicide prevention. This is the first time that I've actively participated by growing a moustache and participating in an event to directly raise funds. It was a great experience and I was much humbled by the generosity of people who contributed to my fundraising campaign, - which allowed me to raise just over $2000! - far more than I ever thought I would. Great stuff!

Finally, if anyone reading this has not yet contributed to Movember's fundraising to support men's health but would like to do so, please go to my Movember space:

Cheers and thanks for reading


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